Bregenzerwaldstr. 60
6767 Warth | Austria

+43 5583 3557

Hotel Walserstube - Lech-Warth-Card

The Warth Card and Lech Card… Get Out and Have Fun!

The Warth Card will be offered to you for free from June until Octobre when you stay with us for one or more nights. The Ward Card is the admission ticket to all open cable cars often as you like as well as to the local bus of Lech. Guided hiking tours are also included.

We will give you the Lech Card for 1 - 21 days at a price of

€ 45 for 1 - 2 days
€ 69 for 3 - 4 days
€ 99 for 5 - 7 days 
€ 129 for 8 - 14 days
€ 159 for 15 - 21 days

per person (seniors - from 1955 - less 30% - children up to 14 years - from 2011 or later - free of charge) when you stay with us for two or more days. This is an upgrade to the Warth Card and the admission ticket to many unforgettable summer experiences!


Services included with the Lech Card:

(Please note that the Lech Card is subject to a charge for guests from Gehren and Lechleiten.)

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